CubismSdkForNative-5-r.1 sdk for opengl linux

I’m using the Linux platform in the SDK for opengl, how to replace or add a new model, what I read on the Internet is to add or remove the model name in the LAppDefine.cpp file, but there is no relevant code in this version of the SDK

Hi. You don’t need to define the model name if you use the latest version.
Just push your model into the resource folder and name the model3.json file the same as the directory .model3.json is in.

「いいね!」 1

So how do I specify which character to use, I think there are many characters, I don’t need the others, I only need one character, what do I need to do?

Any character you can use. For example, you have the “A.model3.json”. You need to make the directory named “A”, and put “A.model3.json” in the directory “A”.
Finally, you have to put the directory “A” in the resource folder.